All three Fleshlight orifices (Pink Lady, Pink Mouth and Pink Butt) are combinable with the inner canal textures listed below. Each texture has its own advantages and disadvantages and each stimulates in its own way. I have tested all the Fleshlight textures and reviewed them in comparison to each other.
Fleshlight Original (Standard Texture)

The Fleshlight Original insert is, despite the strong competition of the high textured inserts, a great choice for Fleshlight beginners who want to familiarize themselves with the Fleshlight masturbator. You can always purchase further inserts later and exchange them. In addition, for Fleshlight users who attach importance to realism, the "Original" texture is a good option because after all, what vagina has distinctive bumps or ribs?
Fleshlight Super Tight Texture

The Super Tight insert provides better stimulation and some additional tightness but you will have the disadvantage of less suction than with the Original insert. Users who like it tight are better off buying the Ultra Tight insert because the tightness is much more noticeable, which more than compensates for the disadvantage of less suction. But for those with an average sized (and thick) penis, the Super Tight is the better option because the Ultra Tight canal might be too tight.
Fleshlight Speed Bump Texture

The Fleshlight Speed Bump insert is especially recommended for Fleshlight newbies because it generates a terrific feeling of stimulation with excellent suction effect that and is not excessively intense. Also, the tightness inside the canal is optimal - not too tight and not too loose. As a result, you can enjoy the Speed Bump insert over a relatively longer period of time.
Fleshlight Wonder Wave Texture

The Fleshlight Wonder Wave insert provides a pleasurable and mildly intense stimulation with excellent suction effect. Those who want to spend longer time with the Fleshlight and do not require excessive stimulation are well advised to opt for the Wonder Wave sleeve. The Wonder Wave insert is also recommended for men with an average sized penis because the canal is, despite the distinctive ribbed texture, wide enough.
Fleshlight Super Ribbed Texture

The Super Ribbed Insert has a very intense stimulation effect, which is surpassed only by the Stamina Training Unit. For some users, the non-stop stimulation may be too intense but circumcised men, who have a less sensitive penis head, will be thoroughly delighted with the Super Ribbed canal.
Fleshlight Vortex Texture

With the Vortex Insert, the Fleshlight manufacturer has landed a big hit. The stimulation on the penis is extraordinarily great and produces, thanks to its spiral-shaped surface texture, an absolutely unique feeling. The strong suction effect tops it all off, thus making the Vortex Insert one of my top favorite Fleshlights.